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Presented in collaboration with ASA - Oct. 22, 2020


The racial and income disparities in education in Massachusetts are well-known, and Latinx students continue to fall further behind, especially in the context of COVID-19. To address some of these disparities, and to make sure that our students have access to the information and opportunities they need to make informed post-secondary decisions, In Pursuit of Equity Accountability and Success (PEAS): Latinx Students in MA Schools , in collaboration with American Student Assistance (ASA), hosted a virtual college fair.

We invited caregivers and youth to join us for this virtual college fair which will begin with a brief College 101 introductory session which highlights important dates, suggestions for finding the "right fit", and other useful information. Following our College 101 Workshop youth will be able to meet with college admissions representatives and caregivers will be invited to a virtual "cafécito" to talk about issues, concerns, and questions.

Recordings of the College Fair

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